Friday, January 29, 2010

Shelter Box Canada Presentation

A very informative and emotional presentation was made last night by Shelter Box Canada representatives. A video showing how this program started and where all these boxes have gone over the past 10 years since the programs inception was made. With the money we have raised so far, we can now purchase 6 boxes that will be deployed to Haiti. As Shelter Box is a regeisterd charity, the Federal Goverment will also provide matching funds into Haiti relief efforts. The other neat thing about the box is that our name will be placed on the box along with a tracking number so that by going on their website, we can track the box to its final destination.

Another fund raising idea was also presented to us. Don, the manager of Shelter Box Canada has offered us a tent or two and one of the Shelter Box kits to set up somewhere in which we could have a "Camp-a-thon" A group of firefighters could spend 24 or 48 hours in the tent(s), sell hot dogs or burgers and take pledges for camping out. Let me know what you think of the idea. It doesn't have to be done right away as I am sure the need for these boxes will continue forever. Maybe by years end, we can raise enough funds to buy ten boxes (we already have 6) and then look at buying one or more a year from then on. Let me know what you think.

Links to Shelter Box - or

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