Monday, February 1, 2010

Hike in the Dark

Crews responded to an assist ambulance call on the Galloping Goose Trail this past weekend. A woman suffered a leg injury and could not walk. Entering the trail at teh Sooke River Rd parking lot, the ambulance backed in as far as the trestle (not an easy task in the dark) while firefighters hiked ahead to locate the victim. She was packaged and carried out to the waiting ambulance. (maybe the guys in turnout boots will remember their hiking boots next time)

This weekend it appears that blue sky came out which means open season on burning, (at least in a lot of peoples minds) This is not the case, so we spent most of Sunday running around telling people to put out their fires. Anyone have a bright idea on how to get the burning regulations out to people? And on that note, our Assistant Chief and Bylaw Officer are in court today over a $200.00 burning bylaw ticket. The complainent is contesting his ticket. This will be the first test of the bylaw in court so we will see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to the guy contesting the fine for open burning,did he or sooke win?
