Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ozone Hockey
Thought some of you might be interested in photos of the Ozone Hockey game arranged by our CAO. Referee Burket did OK, but goalie Kevin needs some more lessons. Pat Quinn makes the ceremonial puck drop. Several NHL Players, District of Sooke Staff and related children in the game. All in all a great idea and a great game.
Olympic Athlete
Well I can certainly relate to what it takes to be an Olympic Athlete now. Having travelled to Fort Langley to participate in the famous Winter Olympic Half Marathon ( I am sure you have all heard of this) I can now say I have participated in an international event of world calibre proportions (ok, maybe I am stretching just a little). Anyway, it was my first half marathon and considering that the course was not "relatively flat" as promised, I thought we did rather well in completing the run in 2 hours, 1 and 1/2 minutes. (one hill was 4 km long - yes that is correct - 4 km long and I am talking about the uphill direction.) Anyway other than some sore legs and tight muscles it was a lot of fun (never thought I would be saying that about running) Next year should be better as I move up into a new age category, so it will seem like I run faster.
On another topic, visited the Ozone again. Due to a couple of drunken Break and Enters that had occured we thought it wise to clean out some of the money from the wishing well ocean. It was about all I could do to carry the container. Guesses ranged from $500.00 to $900.00 in coins collected during the first week of the event. Well after a lot of sorting and counting, the total exceeded $1200.00. Enough to buy another Shelter Box for Haiti. I am quite confident we can get enough money by the end of the Olympics to reach a total of $2,000.00. Quite amazing I must say.
On another topic, visited the Ozone again. Due to a couple of drunken Break and Enters that had occured we thought it wise to clean out some of the money from the wishing well ocean. It was about all I could do to carry the container. Guesses ranged from $500.00 to $900.00 in coins collected during the first week of the event. Well after a lot of sorting and counting, the total exceeded $1200.00. Enough to buy another Shelter Box for Haiti. I am quite confident we can get enough money by the end of the Olympics to reach a total of $2,000.00. Quite amazing I must say.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
What's Happening In Sooke
Lots of new projects on the go in Sooke. Here is a list of some of the projects you should be aware of. The most obvious of course is the Prestige Hotel. Concrete work continues on the convention floor and underground parking and it won't be to long before they start framing the upper floors. Next up is the Rise. This townhouse project has completed the first phase and is now moving onto the next section. This project is just off Maple Ave. Be awared that the driveway to this site is quite narrow and parking is very limited. We will have to keep an eye on the hydrant at the top of the road as it is easily blocked by construction crews. Demoliton work is completed on a site on Maple Ave. near West Coast Road as another townhouse project gets underway. Off the end of Caldwell, road construction is almost done in preperation for new lots to be sold in the area. Tominnie Road continues to see construction traffic as homes are built along this street. Another subdivision of about 12 lots is now proposed at the end of this road. Working hydrants and paved roads are now found in the townhouse development adjacent to Sooke Harbour Marina. Access is off Whiffin Spit Road. A new trail to the waterfront can be found at the end of Wright Road that meets up with the waterfront walkway along the above noted development. Mariners has applied for a development permit for the first building in this massive development. A five story condominium with underground parking will be the first structure on this big site across from Church Road. Land clearing is already underway. Lots are for sale in the Erinan Development off West Coast Road. Look for construction to begin soon on houses in this area. If you haven't been through this subdivsion its worth a drive as the views are phenomonal. Some other big projects that will be undertaken by the District of Sooke are also moving ahead. Look for work on the public boat launch next to the Prestige to begin soon. It is also expected that an RFP will be going out soon for design work on the first phase of the new connector road through Sooke. Phase 1 is the section from Phillips Road to Charters Road aligning with Throup. It is hoped that construction can start later this year. Oh and don't forget that Sooke Road is going to be upgraded this year. Likely in the summer, resurfacing and shoulder work will take place from Charters all the way to Langford. Most of the work will be done at night. Thats it for now. No wonder Sooke is the second fastest growing community in BC. Does anyone know which city is #1 in growth?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
All is Quiet
Check out this photo taken by Nikki Lewers at the Ozone today. It's hard to see, but the bottom of the "Ocean" is covered in coins. Awesome
Yes, I know it is probably a jinx, but it has been a very quiet February in Sooke this year. Can't remember a month that has had this few calls. Not that there aren't things to do. We have all been very busy with regular duties, especially getting the budget prepared as well as the set up and organization of the ESS and EOC programs now that these are under FD Control. Deputy McLeod has assumed the role of ESS coordinator and is busy with 20+ new volunteers and a myriad of meetings to get this groupd set up and functional. This is quite difficult as the Province has cut all funding for these programs (at the moment) and the District of Sooke has no budget for ESS. We have included one for this year and hope it will go through. The EOC program is another entire series of fun meetings and opportunities to work with many groups, both locally and regionally. Sure keeps a person busy going from meeting to meeting. Speaking of the budget, some of the things hoped for in this years capital budget include a new command vehicle, replacement of some of the older rope gear, a new washing machine for turnout gear and a utility body for 208. A new small diesel generator was just purchased to replace the one stolen last year. (really, who steals from a volunteer fire department?)
From all reports, the Sooke Display at the Ozone in Richmond continues to get rave reviews. If you get a chance, you really should go over and see this as part of the Olympic opportunity. Our five firefighters are getting prepped and ready to go over to the Nordic area of the Olympics to provide fire protection services this coming week. I am sure they will do us proud and bring back lots of stories and photos. I will be off to the mainland on Saturday as I will be participating in my first half marathon (thanks probie) on Sunday in Fort Langley (you may have heard of this famous Winter Olympic Half Marathon. Lets hope all my running practice pays off. I will let you know how I do if I am able to return.
The Shelter Box contest between Langford and Sooke Fire Departments has been declared a tie. As both communities were able to count the money raised by their local Rotary Clubs as well as the firefighters in their totals, we both came up with enough for 14 boxes each (that is over $28,000.00 combined) Quite amazing I think and everyone should be commmended on such a good job. (However, we still have an opportunity to pull ahead as all the funds collected at the Ozone in our display will also go to this cause..........from what I have heard, the "Ocean" is getting quite full of money as everyone tries to get coins to land on the whales tail)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Ozone Update
While everyone was relaxing at home and work these past couple of days, a few of us were sweating despite the rain and cold in Richmond as we worked to get the Sooke display re-assmebled for the O Zone. Located just in front of Richmond City Hall, the BC Street section of the O Zone was a hub of activity as communities from across the province began putting their displays together. After a very long 14 hour day of ferry rides, unloading and reassembly we had most of the work done. Another 3 hours work on Thursday and we were ready to go home, but I must admit that the Sooke display is the best one of the show. While Columbia / Chilcotin had a spectacular carved log entrance way, once you were inside the Sooke booth was an obvious winner. It has also been reported that sometime today, CTV, A Channel and the Vancouver Sun will be on BC Streets to report on all of the displays. Watch the news tonight if you get a chance. Next Thursday, BCTV will be doing the breakfast television news show from the Sooke Booth. On Saturday Sept 21, CAO Evan Parliament has arranged a street hockey game on BC Street at which some old timer NHL Players, politicians, BC Street volunteers and even some local kids will be able to test their skills. Sounds like an awesome event. If you get a chance to get over to Vancouver to get to the Olympics, I would suggest you make the trip to Richmond to see the Ozone. It is easy to find - just follow the Westminster Hwy to #3 Road and there you are. You can also take the Canada Line as it stops right in front of the BC Street entrance. And finally, thanks so much to the firefighters and volunteers that helped build, pack, unpack and reassemble the display. Without your efforts, this first class display would not have been a reality.
Funraising Efforts Continue
It appears that Langford FD has pulled out in the lead with the Shelter Box fundraising efforts as they now have money for eleven compared to our seven. A media presentation will take place at Langford Fire Station 1 at 2:00 pm on Monday when each group will make a check presentation to Shelter Box Canada. I will be travelling into Langford with Mayor Evans and meet with Chief Beckett and some of Langfords council members. Hopefully it will receive good attention and will allow us to increase our fund raising efforts. Watch the Monday evening news to see how things go.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
More money for Haiti
Thanks to a generous donation by the RCMP Consultative Society, we have added another $1000.00 to our Haiti Relief Fund. With some additional donations we have now raised just over $7200.00. Keep up the good work, although it is still a long way to go to reach 19 as Langford FD has pledged to do.
Ever wanted to win a Goat?
Yes, you heard me right......WIN A GOAT. Thanks to the brainchild of a certain Chaplain in the department (no names mentioned) Sooke Fire Rescue is raffling off a goat. Yes, a real live goat. Tickets are only 25 cents. There is a catch of course. You don't have to put your own name on the ticket. You can put anyone you wish on the ticket. Buy one, buy many, after all they are only $0.25 each. Now, in case you are wondering what would you do with a goat in case you won, we have a special deal for you. You can buy GOAT INSURANCE. For only $10.00 you can get an insurance policy that allows you not to take the goat if you win. Each insurance policy is good for 5 draws from the barrel. We will keep drawing until a winner is declared. If your name is drawn a number of times, the sixth time the goat will be yours ............or you could buy more insurance. Each policy is good for a maximum of 5 draws. So, you have to say to yourself - self: how many people will buy a ticket and put my name on it? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm. Oh yeah, you can only get the insurance from the Chaplain (at least for now) and insurance sales will stop one week before the draw date of April 1st. (get the irony of that one) So, happy goating to all of you. If you have time, perhaps you could help sell some tickets. Set up anywhere in Sooke, talk to your friends, relatives or buy some tickets. All the proceeds will go to Haiti Relief Fund.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Probie for Life
Seems like congratulations are in order for several members of the department. First off, Chris McCrea was selected by the hiring committee as Sooke's newest career firefighter. He will begin working on March 1st. The second candidate selected was Cam Norris Jones. If all goes according to plans, he will begin his full time position on May 1st. Well done to both of you. I am also pleased to announce the Assistant Chief McLeod successfully completed his 6 month probationary period. He has now been appointed as the full-time Deputy Fire Chief for the department. Unfortunately for Rick, this means 6 more months of probation. Luckily I got a bigger probie stick to ensure all these new firefighters stay in line. On June 1st, we will switch to a new shift pattern with 2 firefighters working 10 hour days on a 4 day on, 4 day off rotation. This will provide 2 firefighters in the station 7 days a week during daytime hours. This will also allow scheduled training events on the weekend. These should all prove to be great changes for the department
Thursday, February 4, 2010
January Stats
It's already the end of the first month of 2010. Where does the time go? I thought I would share the month end stats with you just in case someone cares. We had a total of 70 responses in January this year, down 15 from 2009, although if you remember 2009 at all you will recall that a great number of those incidents involved sand bagging and flooding. The majority of the incidents were burning complaints (33 to be exact) as many people still don't seem to get, or want to understand the burning bylaw even though it has been in place for over two years now. A total of 13 Motor Vehicle Incidents were attended to. This is a lot of serious crashes in a one month period. Two Haz Mat calls went out for reponse of the CRD Haz Mat team. As we have four members on the team, they were notified but in the end not required for the call. Soon all of the haz mat team members will be placed into a 4-platoon system. Only the on duty haz mat platoon will be called unless additional help is needed. We also attended 18 first responder calls and fortunately for the duty crews, only one occured late at night. Only one fire occured and this was a chimney fire. While quite spectacular looking, there was no damage to the home. February has started off on a slow note so will just have to see how it pans out.
Speaking of stats, the poll for when to have meeting nights has closed. A total of 20 votes were received with 14 voting in favour of every second month for Association Meetings and 6 wanting to keep them monthly. Check out the new poll on minimum attendance requirements.
Speaking of stats, the poll for when to have meeting nights has closed. A total of 20 votes were received with 14 voting in favour of every second month for Association Meetings and 6 wanting to keep them monthly. Check out the new poll on minimum attendance requirements.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hike in the Dark
Crews responded to an assist ambulance call on the Galloping Goose Trail this past weekend. A woman suffered a leg injury and could not walk. Entering the trail at teh Sooke River Rd parking lot, the ambulance backed in as far as the trestle (not an easy task in the dark) while firefighters hiked ahead to locate the victim. She was packaged and carried out to the waiting ambulance. (maybe the guys in turnout boots will remember their hiking boots next time)
This weekend it appears that blue sky came out which means open season on burning, (at least in a lot of peoples minds) This is not the case, so we spent most of Sunday running around telling people to put out their fires. Anyone have a bright idea on how to get the burning regulations out to people? And on that note, our Assistant Chief and Bylaw Officer are in court today over a $200.00 burning bylaw ticket. The complainent is contesting his ticket. This will be the first test of the bylaw in court so we will see what happens.
This weekend it appears that blue sky came out which means open season on burning, (at least in a lot of peoples minds) This is not the case, so we spent most of Sunday running around telling people to put out their fires. Anyone have a bright idea on how to get the burning regulations out to people? And on that note, our Assistant Chief and Bylaw Officer are in court today over a $200.00 burning bylaw ticket. The complainent is contesting his ticket. This will be the first test of the bylaw in court so we will see what happens.
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