Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Olympic Athlete

Well I can certainly relate to what it takes to be an Olympic Athlete now. Having travelled to Fort Langley to participate in the famous Winter Olympic Half Marathon ( I am sure you have all heard of this) I can now say I have participated in an international event of world calibre proportions (ok, maybe I am stretching just a little). Anyway, it was my first half marathon and considering that the course was not "relatively flat" as promised, I thought we did rather well in completing the run in 2 hours, 1 and 1/2 minutes. (one hill was 4 km long - yes that is correct - 4 km long and I am talking about the uphill direction.) Anyway other than some sore legs and tight muscles it was a lot of fun (never thought I would be saying that about running) Next year should be better as I move up into a new age category, so it will seem like I run faster.

On another topic, visited the Ozone again. Due to a couple of drunken Break and Enters that had occured we thought it wise to clean out some of the money from the wishing well ocean. It was about all I could do to carry the container. Guesses ranged from $500.00 to $900.00 in coins collected during the first week of the event. Well after a lot of sorting and counting, the total exceeded $1200.00. Enough to buy another Shelter Box for Haiti. I am quite confident we can get enough money by the end of the Olympics to reach a total of $2,000.00. Quite amazing I must say.

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